Chlorine Dioxide Sterilization

What is CD sterilization?
Chlorine dioxide (CD) sterilization method uses the versatile, environmentally friendly chlorine dioxide gas for effective product sterilization.
As a true gas, chlorine dioxide possesses superb distribution attributes, as it will naturally fill any space evenly and completely. Able to penetrate surfaces and organic matter, the colored gas is accurately measured and monitored. Quick-aeration ability means no condensation on surfaces, and minimal absorption into materials.
- Low temperature (room temperature)
- Low impact
- No exposure to excessive heat, moisture or radiation
- Non-carcinogenic, nonflammable
- Leaves no post-treatment residuals
- Compatible with nearly all materials, including plastic components and electronics

Our CD sterilizer is the largest contract CD sterilization chamber in the world, capable of handling large products and large volumes.