Ethylene Oxide Sterilization

What is ethylene oxide sterilization?

Ethylene oxide (EO) sterilization uses a low-temperature gas that can penetrate thin films and breathable materials.

EO is most often used to sterilize products that are sensitive to heat or moisture, and products where steam is not an option. And with our small-sized EO chambers, we’re able to efficiently and safely sterilize small batches.


  • Low-temperature (less than 60° C)
  • Low-impact
  • No exposure to excessive heat, moisture or radiation
  • Compatible with nearly all materials, including metals, plastics, glass, rubber and electronics


Boulder Sterilization is committed to minimizing emissions from EO sterilization, creating the safest, most effective, most efficient process possible.

  • Abator technology. In using a catalytic converter system to mitigate outgassing inherent in the EO process, we are able to reduce EO emissions by 99.9%.
  • Packaging design. By incorporating packaging design early in the development process, we help companies develop the most efficient packaging possible. More product fits into each sterilization chamber, resulting in less time sterilizing.
  • Cycle efficiency. Working with clear chamber dimensions, we can maximize the amount of product that can be sterilized per cycle.
  • Small chambers. We work to make sure we fill each of our small chambers. Sterilizing in a chamber that is only half full will produce twice as much EO emission as needed for the actual product amount.
  • Primary packaging. Sterilizing in the primary packaging (pouch), versus secondary packaging (shelf box), means more product fits in the sterilization chamber. It also results in a reduction in the amount of cardboard in the chamber – material that soaks up the EO and then later releases it back into the chamber.

Boulder Sterilization EO sterilizer

3M™ Steri-Vac™ Sterilizer/Aerator 8XL Series: 6 chambers

Designed to be workhorses, these types of sterilizers are installed in hospitals and commercial facilities worldwide. The Boulder Sterilization system uses a fixed-volume, single-use EO cartridge to assure safe dispensing of a consistent amount of sterilant, every time – a method that both users and regulatory bodies highly regard for safety, consistency, and reliability. Boulder Sterilization maintains a preventive maintenance program with 3M, ensuring minimum downtime.